A new sign up alerts feature went live on www.harriscountyfws.org
This new feature will allow residents in Harris and surrounding counties to sign up for automated alerts to their cell phone or e-mail at over 250 locations from both the HCFCD maintained and the inter-local maintained gages across our region including those gages in (Pearland, Sugar Land, Fort Bend County, Waller County, Montgomery County, The Woodlands, Galveston County, The San Jacinto River Authority, and Mt. Belvieu). Residents will need to create an account and can then choose which gages they want to receive information from. There will be the ability to create custom alerts for various water level channel depths and there will be four standard alerts that we have created that residents can default to if they do not want to create custom alerts.
A landing page has been created at www.fwsalerts.org that will direct persons directly to the sign in page to create an account.